Hopalong Casualty Review

Hopalong Casualty is a 1960 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is an uneven, but mostly strong entry.

This Wile E. Coyote/Road Runner short is only truly terrific in the first and the very last segments with the rest faring worse. They are either forgettable or only solid. It’s a shame because had that middle act been better, this would have been one outstanding cartoon, but alas it ended up being wildly uneven.

The opening is very elaborate and long, but the highlight is the supposed fight between the two that ended in such a hilarious way. The bit with the smoke outline was very clever. The film’s highlight is the final segment that featured this pill that causes earthquakes, but in a brilliant twist it does not work on Road Runners, ending in total humiliation for the coyote. The moment when he realizes that was the funniest part of the entire movie.

Hopalong Casualty is highly uneven, but the couple of segments that work are downright excellent and superbly executed overall.

My Rating – 3.9

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