Zip ‘N Snort Review

Zip ‘N Snort Review

Zip ‘N Snort is a 1961 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a very flawed, but memorable short.

The main issue with this particular Road Runner short is that it’s way too short, clocking in at just around five minutes. When you cut a minute or two from the regular runtime, you get a rather rushed product. The first half was especially abrupt and overly frenetic in pacing and choppy in editing.

The second half fared significantly better. This is where the best gags lie. The cannon gag was excellent and so well executed while the final section was hilarious, particularly the finale that was unforgettable. Wile E. just evades clashing into one train, but the second one suddenly comes in and it’s being driven by none other than Road Runner himself. It was an unexpected twist that really worked.

Zip ‘N Snort is a short, but effective Road Runner movie that benefits from excellent second half and an iconic ending.

My Rating – 4

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