To Hare Is Human Review

To Hare Is Human Review

To Hare Is Human is a 1956 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a cartoon that introduces a new rivalry.

Yes, this is the first Wile E. Coyote cartoon where Road Runner is nowhere to be found. Instead, his new meal target is the one and only Bugs Bunny. At first, I found it weird that the two would be in one cartoon as that led to Wile E. having to talk instead of being silent, but once I got used to it, I found it to be excellent.

The ending was very disappointing. This joke that the protagonist would intentionally harm himself for a gag has been done before, so by now it has become stale and repetitive. But other than that ending, everything before it was great. There are so many brilliantly executed gags with the carrots and various contraptions. That machine was also a terrific idea that made the short even more interesting and complex. Wile E. Coyote’s voice is very soothing and interesting while Bugs is also very relaxed while still being atop of each situation. The animation is one of the highlights and seeing his little hole house was very inviting and charming.

To Hare Is Human introduces a new rivalry to this series and it really worked. Both characters are excellent as is the animation, though the ending was inferior.

My Rating – 4.1

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