The Unmentionables Review

The Unmentionables Review

The Unmentionables is a 1963 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a pretty good cartoon.

In a spoof of TV’s titular program Rocky and Mugsy chase “Elegant Ness” (Bugs) through the ACME cereal company. First and foremost, this is another parody short of a program that is long forgotten, so obviously the movie is far from relevant in today’s era. Some of the references here are undoubtedly going to be lost on you as they were on me.

With that being said, I still ended up really liking this short because these two ruffian characters are so much fun. Bugs outwitting them at every turn was hilarious and the highlight came during that carrot moment. The carrot revealing itself to be a gun was very clever and so funny. I would have gone with a more memorable ending, though.

The Unmentionables is a solid cartoon that is definitely not timeless, but a couple of gags and great characters elevated the plot at hand significantly.

My Rating – 3.9

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