The Mouse on 57th Street Review

The Mouse on 57th Street Review

The Mouse on 57th Street is a 1961 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a slim short.

This is one of those Warner Bros. movies that are in essence embodying the spirit of Disney, and that is simply not something I ask for when I am watching one of their cartoons. It is basically about a mouse who ends up causing a whole lot of mess. He steals a jewel by accident and the policemen are on his tail. It’s not a very good plot obviously.

It’s a situational comedy, but one that is very simplistic and dated. It resembles a 30s Disney cartoon and a forgettable one at that. The animation is actually quite nice and the protagonist is cute. There is some fun to be had admittedly with the scenes where the incompetent policemen are chasing the mice, but overall it’s nothing special.

The Mouse on 57th Street is one of those Disneyesque shorts that are charming and well animated, but forgettable and uninspired.

My Rating – 3.3


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