Oily Hare ReviewOily Hare Review

Oily Hare is a 1952 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a disappointing movie.

You’d expect a Bugs Bunny movie set in Texas to be much better, but unfortunately that ain’t what happened here. The animation is great, on the positive side of things. Some of the action is memorable, and I really liked both Bugs and Orville. He was a lot of fun, and the two shared some terrific banter.

However, why did they just not include Yosemite Sam instead of this dude? That was beyond me. The entire premise is great, but the execution is slight, repetitive and rarely offering truly outstanding bits and pieces when it comes to humor in particular. It’s mildly fun, but never truly funny, and that bothered me.

Oily Hare has its strong moments, but overall it’s a highly disappointing Bugs Bunny entry in the Merry Melodies series.

My Rating – 3.6

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