Mexican Boarders Review

Mexican Boarders Review

Mexican Boarders is a 1962 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a pretty solid short.

This is the second short to feature Slowpoke Rodriguez, a character that I really like. Speedy has to keep him safe as he is constantly asking for additional food while obviously Sylvester is waiting outside to catch them. There is just one issue with this movie and that is that very bad ending. It involves sudden hypnosis that came out of nowhere and had nothing to do with the rest of the story.

Thankfully, the rest of the cartoon is pretty good. The highlights include the arrival of Slowpoke in a great scene and of course the moment where the cat actually catches the mouse. That was unexpectedly clever of Sylvester, though it still obviously ended poorly for him. I wanted more of those Spanish catchphrases from Speedy, but he was still a lot of fun here.

Mexican Boarders has a bad ending, but the rest of the short is pretty good with some standout gags and very well used characters.

My Rating – 3.7

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