Worst Films of 2021 List


Worst Films of 2021

2021 was a pretty solid movie year overall, much better than the previous one. Still, with all the great movies released this year, there were quite a number of bad ones, some even being downright terrible. Here is the list of the worst movies of 2021 with a couple of honorable mentions as well.


5. Annette

Annette is this very obnoxious movie that resembles a play more so than a motion picture. It is lifeless, overly strange and annoyingly one-note throughout. It’s a type of film that has no point to it whatsoever. It is only meant to appeal to those who are into these odd artsy pictures, thus it’s very limited in appeal.

Annette Movie Review


4. Tom and Jerry

The 2021 adaptation of Tom and Jerry was so wrong on so many levels. Not only does it have horrible rap instead of great classical music, but it also tarnishes the concept of the original animated series by making the duo friends. The animated segments were okay, but the live-action ones were terrible and they made the classic characters supporting players in what should have been their story.

Tom and Jerry Movie Review


3. Titane

By far one of the worst Cannes winners ever, Titane is this atrocious French movie that is a great example of everything that I hate about French cinema – it has a strange for the sake of being strange narrative, tacky violence and a ridiculous storyline that doesn’t stand as a metaphor for anything really. It’s also borderline pornographic content.

Titane Movie Review


2. The Hand of God

The Hand of God is another Sorrentino movie that I strongly disliked. This is an annoying film fueled by bland or unlikable characters, a frustrating lack of themes or message and a very problematic structure consisting of overly disparate sequences strewn together incoherently. It’s a chaotic, pointless mess that had no business being nominated for an Academy Award.

The Hand of God Movie Review


1. I Care a Lot

I Care a Lot gets the deserved first place on this list. It’s one of the worst movies in recent memory. I love Rosamund Pike and she was great here, but the character made no sense and the whole movie was difficult to buy as the plot was so illogical throughout, especially that dumb ending. Nothing about the film rang true and all of it was ridiculous, but somehow due to a tacked on message at the end, it received great reviews. This hypocrisy by the critics to not pinpoint plot holes in this circumstance when they will do it with other much better movies is why I am more than happy to reward this garbage movie with the title of 2021’s biggest turd.

I Care a Lot Movie Review


Honorable Mentions:

The Adams Family 2The first movie was already pretty mediocre, but this one had an even worse plot and it all felt very uneventful and cheap.

Space Jam: A New LegacyThe original was at least passable, but this sequel was overly manipulative in its advertising of Warner Bros. properties, plus LeBron can’t act.

The Boss Baby 2The first movie I actually found to be okay, but The Boss Baby 2 was not only inferior, but also horribly chaotic and frustratingly odd. 2021 wasn’t a great year for animation, that’s for sure.

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