The Dancing Fool Review

The Dancing Fool Review

The Dancing Fool is a 1932 animated short film from the Talkartoons series.

Betty Boop teaches her animal friends how to dance. The dancing shakes the building, which crumbles to the ground. This is a very forgettable cartoon after a string of strong efforts from the series, which made this lackluster flick disappointing. The animation is good and the score is naturally quite strong, catchy and fun. Betty is also solidly utilized here.

But the problem with the movie is the plot itself, which was too slim to support an entire short film, thus it felt repetitive and dull. There are some nice moments to be found here with the amusing ending being pretty solid, but most of the short was a throwback to the earlier Talkartoons, lacking the ingenuity and weirdness of the later entries.

The Dancing Fool has a pretty strong score, but the premise is weak and the flick was too old-fashioned for its time.

My Rating – 3.5

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