Pickled Pink ReviewPickled Pink Review

Pickled Pink is a 1965 animated short film from the Pink Panther series.

A drunk man befriends our protagonist and offers him a stay at his home, but the wife disapproves as she hates him bringing strangers to the house. This premise held some potential and it was decidedly a different plot for this series, but in the end it only worked out to a degree as it’s the weakest entry so far.

I did love that man as he’s a lot of fun, and the relationship between the two is terrific. But the wife looks and sounds like a man which was very distracting plus the panther is ridiculously sidelined in favor of the two. There are some very amusing moments to be had here, but overall the execution left a lot to be desired.

Pickled Pink has its moments and a strong premise, but the execution is weak leading to a solid, but far from great entry in the series.

My Rating – 3.5

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