Lighter Than Hare Review

Lighter Than Hare Review

Lighter Than Hare is a 1960 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a very interesting short.

In this cartoon, Yosemite Sam is a space alien. He lands on Earth, intending to bring back an Earth creature, but unfortunately for him, Bugs won’t let himself get caught so easily. Sam being an alien was very odd and when all is said and done, I don’t think that he fits the role ultimately. He’s too much of a cowboy to pass as anything other than that.

Regardless of that, the movie works due to its immensely original premise. Some of the mid section gags were familiar, but the majority were quite fresh and the highlights were the robot moments. The finale was hilarious and that moment when a robot was mistaken for a trash can was so amusing. Sam getting angry was the highlight of this flick while Bugs was his reliable manipulative self. The animation was also stellar and quite colorful.

Lighter Than Hare is an odd, but highly original Merry Melodies short that works because of its unique scenarios and a couple of excellent gags.

My Rating – 4.2

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