Curse of Chucky Movie Review


Curse of Chucky Movie Review

Curse of Chucky is a 2013 horror film directed by Don Mancini and starring Fiona and Brad Dourif. It is a very solid return to the roots for this franchise.


Women. Can’t live with them. Period!


Curse of Chucky Movie Review


Nica’s sister, brother-in-law and their daughter Alice visit her after her mother’s death. However, horror strikes when Nica realizes that the doll Alice plays with is possessed. It’s crazy that Universal ended up mostly putting this movie on direct-to-video when it’s so good that it deserved a full theatrical release. This movie came out years after the last one that was both mediocre and too campy, thus perfectly resetting the franchise.

It was necessary to bring the series back to its horror roots when the last two entries turned to over-the-top comedy to a ridiculous degree. We still get some humor here as Chucky delivers a couple of very funny and unexpected lines, but for the most part this is a slasher at heart. It’s not scary at all of course and the kills are still as goofy as ever, but at least the menacing atmosphere is there and it was great to witness.

Curse of Chucky has way too many characters in its rooster, thus they mostly felt underutilized. Yes, their relationships are solidly explored, but individually they were mediocre. It is interesting seeing the nepotism play out in this franchise as Fiona Dourif is the daughter of her father Brad and she is the main actress here, but at least her performance is far from embarrassing.


Curse of Chucky Movie Review


Chucky is surprisingly conniving and manipulative here. How he framed Nica was very interesting and the eventual conclusion with the young kid was unexpected and perfect. The entire first half was overly extended and slow as the action only happened in the second half, but at least solid build-up was provided in the former. The movie is solidly edited and directed throughout. I just wish that the kills were more imaginative, but the script was surprisingly solid and positively straightforward.

Curse of Chucky represented a solid return to form for the franchise. After a couple of overly comedic sequels, this one goes back to the horror roots of the series where it delivers in spades. Chucky steals the show as he is both menacing and quite funny. The other characters are underutilized, but the minimalist plot is mostly well crafted and the ending is terrific.

My Rating – 3.5




#1. This is the _ entry in the Chucky franchise?


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