Best and Worst Films from November 2022

Best and Worst Films from November 2022 List


Best and Worst Films from November 2022


Best Films from November 2022:


3. Felidae

This German animated movie is insane. This just might be the most brutal and batshit crazy animated film ever made. It is a neo-noir crime flick that deals with some interesting themes, especially focusing on genetic experimentations and racial supremacy. It has a great atmosphere, excellent voice acting and some truly unforgettable imagery, making it one of the best and most underrated international animated features.

Felidae Movie Review


2. Tar

Cate Blanchett is sublime in Tar, one of the best movies of 2022. This drama honestly depicts to just what extent SJW politics and cancel culture have tarnished Hollywood and you have to admire just how truthful and daring it is tackling these thorny issues. It’s a superbly directed and acted film that has a lot to say and that features some of the best and most sophisticated dialogue in recent memory.

Tar Movie Review


1. Muriel’s Wedding

Muriel’s Wedding easily takes the number one spot for the month of November. This Australian dramedy is incredibly touching and sweet while also being funny and goofy in its oddball characters and situations. It is a perfect mixture of the two and a great example of how potent dramedies can really be when done this well. Toni Collette has rarely been better than she was here while the ending is so moving.

Muriel’s Wedding Movie Review


Worst Films from November 2022:


3. Mrs. Parkington

Greer Garson is wonderful as always in Mrs. Parkington, a drama that did not deserve her or any other actor’s talents. This is a tiresome film that is too stagy in its feel while consistently reminding you that in its sprawling storytelling and characters it was only fitting for a novel.

Mrs. Parkington Movie Review


2. Seed of Chucky

I actually really enjoyed Bride of Chucky, but this sequel was not my cup of tea. Yes, the former was silly, but it was also very funny in its silliness while this one was more of the same, but not as impactful the second time around. It’s too lazy and ridiculous for it to work.

Seed of Chucky Movie Review


1. Willow

Willow is one of the more overrated 80s films that people love just for the sake of nostalgia and nothing more than that. It’s a chaotic, mindlessly frenetic fantasy epic that is muddled in its storytelling, badly developed in its characters and highly unimaginative in its ideas. It was a giant waste of time for me.

Willow Movie Review

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