One Small Step ReviewOne Small Step Review

One Small Step is a 2018 Chinese-American animated short film nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.

It follows a young girl dreaming to become an astronaut. She struggles at the astrophysics university, but when her father tragically dies and she finds out that he had been mending all of her broken shoes, that gives her a great boost so she finishes the university, becomes an astronaut and lands on the Moon. A lot happens here to its detriment honestly as you cannot cover this much ground in seven minutes and thus the movie was not as extremely emotional to me as it was to many people.

But it’s still quite moving and sad. It’s a very inspirational story about following your dreams and the undeniable importance of fatherly support. It’s thus a very relatable film for anyone who’s ever had some sort of professional goal, but it’s also fairy tale-like in its happy, inspirational ending. I liked the protagonist and her relationship with her father is so touching. The highlights of the film are its tender score and impressive, very elegant and polished animation.

One Small Step is probably too big in its scope, but it’s emotional, inspirational and tenderly scored and animated.

My Rating – 4.3

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