Amarcord Movie Review


Amarcord Movie Review

Amarcord is a 1973 Italian comedy film directed by Federico Fellini. It is another one of his overrated movies.


I want a woman!


Amarcord Movie Review


The plot here is non-existent. It is supposed to tell the tale of 1930s Fascist Italy and suppressed sexuality, but it just never is that smart or with any kind of message to it. ‘Splendor in the Grass’ does suppressed sexuality wonderfully, but this one doesn’t even try.

It is again just an excuse to show the director’s obsession with sex. Most of the film features very annoying sexual excursions and the worst offender is the scene where an older woman forces her breasts on a younger guy. That was just horrible to witness and pure pornography in my opinion.

It doesn’t even help that the characters in Amarcord are awful. Yes, this is the kind of film that tries to sell its “weirdness”, but these people aren’t weird or colorful, they are just very annoying and disgusting. None of them is remotely memorable and all of them really got on my nerves.

So the film definitely looks good, I will give it that as the cinematography is frequently excellent, but it sounds horrible with all of that frustrating yelling. Everyone here yells or screams and you do not get a single calmer moment, let alone an emotional one. The structure is typical and to call it a comedy is ludicrous as nothing here ever is funny.


Amarcord Movie Review


Federico Fellini truly is one of the most overrated directors who ever existed. His films were basically an excuse to transport his sexual fantasies on screen and when you really think about him, he is just an annoying, sexually charged teenager.

Amarcord is another one of the director’s overrated films. It isn’t funny, it isn’t smart and its characters aren’t colorful or interesting. They are just super annoying and unlikable with all the yelling. The film was just an excuse for the director to put his sexual fantasies and experiences on screen and when you really think about it, Fellini was just a very immature, horny teenager who never grew up.

My Rating – 2

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