Zombieland Movie Review


Zombieland Movie Review

Zombieland is a 2009 zombie comedy film directed by Ruben Fleischer and starring Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin. It’s a fun flick.


So do you have any regrets?

Garfield, maybe


Zombieland Movie Review


Columbus, a college student, joins forces with three eccentric strangers to survive the zombie apocalypse and travel through southwestern USA to a safe haven. First and foremost, the film isn’t a horror at all, it’s just a comedy which was done for the better as I dislike zombie horror movies myself. Being that way, it is better than ‘Shaun of the Dead’ and simply more fun.

Still, it’s an uneven movie which has its clear strengths and weaknesses. The first act is a mixed bag as it is bogged down by rather excessive narration from the lead character, but it does overall set up the movie’s characters and world quite well.

The second act is where the film shines the most. You watch the movie for this part. Following the gang on their adventure was a lot of fun, and just seeing them have fun juxtaposed with their post-apocalyptic situation was a wonderful sight to witness. The comedy is at its best here with many very funny moments, especially including Bill Murray whose guest role here is truly inspired. All of his moments are very entertaining and clever.

As for the third act itself, it’s the weakest one for me. And I expected that. It had to end with a lot of spectacle and action, but not being a fan of that stuff myself, I quickly lost interest, and I was quite bored with the whole affair. Do not get me wrong, the action is solidly executed, but too overwhelming.

The cast is excellent here with all four actors delivering in spades. Abigail Breslin of ‘Little Miss Sunshine’ fame is wonderful, very likable and quite fun. Emma Stone has never looked prettier than she did here, and she was also badass in the role. Jesse Eisenberg was typecast as this typical nerd, but he did a good job, and the romance between the two is solid.


Zombieland Movie Review


Easily the biggest highlight is Woody Harrelson who always excelled at playing these goofy, but cool redneck characters who have a heart of gold. He got the best lines, the most humorous situations and his charisma is through the roof. The cast all trumped the other technical aspects as the direction, the cinematography and the pacing are all much weaker. The metal soundtrack can be quite annoying.

Zombieland is a fun zombie comedy that is at its best in the second act which features the best humor, and an inspired Bill Murray guest role. This is where the characters and the audience get to have the most fun. The first act is an okay set-up whereas the third act is overwhelming in action. The movie is technically forgettable, but excellent in its cast. Woody Harrelson stole the show with a very charismatic turn.

My Rating – 3.5

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