The X-Files Season 10 Review


The X-Files Season 10 Review

The tenth season of The X-Files represents a weak return after a long hiatus. It has its solid episodes, but most are mediocre.


I didn’t set out to destroy the world, Mulder. People did


The X-Files Season 10 Review


This season came out in 2016, which was fourteen years after the ninth season concluded. The actors are now older, but thankfully the performances from both Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny are both strong, especially that of Anderson. The tone of the show is just right, though the conspiracy elements don’t work quite as well anymore. The biggest issue here is that the season only includes six episodes, which made it too fleeting.

My Struggle isn’t great. This opening has that conspiratorial tone that worked to a degree, but the story here was mediocre at best and the new characters didn’t quite work unfortunately. Founder’s Mutation is pretty solid and well written, though not all that memorable at the end of the day.

Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster is easily the best episode of this entire season. Yes, the treatment of the Monster of the Week format here is quite lighthearted, even to the extreme, but that made it different and unique. Mulder’s relationship with the “monster” was quite interesting and the dialogue here is amusing and even deep in the final stretch.

Home Again has a solid premise and its focus on Scully and her pain of losing her mother. The Scully-centric episodes are always some of the best of the show, and although this one isn’t amazing, it’s solid enough and quite moving.


The X-Files Season 10 Review


Babylon received harsh criticism for its treatment of the religion of Islam, but that is obviously not my problem with this episode. My issue is the execution that is both misguided and chaotic, resulting in a waste of time. It has its moments, but mostly it just trudges along with no purpose whatsoever. My Struggle II continues the story from the opening episode and it’s just as frustratingly serviceable as the previous one.

Overall, the tenth season of The X-Files has its merits. The technical aspects and the acting performances are strong. Some episodes are also quite good and the tone harkens back to the first couple of seasons remarkably so. Unfortunately, most episodes are just serviceable and the show lacks the momentum of the previous seasons due to a forgettable main storyline and a bad decision to have just six episodes in a season.


Worst Episode: My Struggle.

Best Episode: Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster.

My Rating – 3.4

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