Ranking Disney Live-Action/Animated Hybrids



Ranking Disney Live-Action/Animated Hybrids

Disney is famous for doing animated movies, and live-action ones more recently. Less often, they mixed the two mediums, and the results were decidedly mixed with some weaker outings, but some genuine classics. Without further ado, here is my ranking of all ten of these films released so far, all the way back from the forties up until this point.


10. Victory Through Air Power

Of course a propaganda flick gets the last spot. Well, not of course because Disney has made some great propaganda films such as ‘Der Fuehrer’s Face’, but this one has little going for it, basically just somewhat artistic, competent animation. The rest is just standard WWII propaganda fare which gets repetitive very quickly.

Victory Through Air Power Movie Review


9. Pete’s Dragon

Pete’s Dragon is one of the rare movies that got a remake which trumped it in quality in every single aspect. Yes, the original has an endearing dragon and one nice song, but otherwise it’s a giant bore how extremely long and slow it is. Also, it’s the most dated movie on this list, especially in terms of the humor.

Pete’s Dragon Movie Review


8. So Dear to My Heart

I liked this film for what it is. Yes, it’s very slight in storytelling terms, and way too short to make a bigger impact. However, it’s also rather endearing in its kid-animal friendship, and overall difficult to hate. But it’s also hard to love in the end owing to its many anachronisms in terms of characters and once again humor.

So Dear to My Heart Movie Review


7. James and the Giant Peach

The first perfectly solid flick on the list is this Roald Dahl tale which got much better for upon a second viewing. Yes, it has some boring stretches and it can be rather silly and childish in some parts, but the world building is terrific, the film is whimsy and charming, plus the stop-motion animation steals the show.

James and the Giant Peach Movie Review


6. Song of the South

I do not care what everyone else says, but Song of the South is by no means a bad movie. It’s a dated movie in its questionable choices at times and some boring elements, but overall it’s never as racist as they claimed it is, and it’s simply very endearing in the Uncle Remus character and that classic Oscar-winning song.

Song of the South Movie Review


5. Bedknobs and Broomsticks

Bedknobs and Broomsticks is an obvious rip-off of ‘Mary Poppins’ that was supposed to cash in on that film’s tremendous success, but is simply never as great as it lacks memorable characters and music. But it’s still very charming in its own right, the magical elements really worked and Angela Lansbury is simply wonderful in the main role.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks Movie Review


4. The Reluctant Dragon

The Reluctant Dragon is a messy movie as the animation doesn’t fit all that much with the live-action segments and it’s weak in that regard, but I loved the animated segment how sweet it is, and I honestly really appreciated the live-action parts too as they offer us an all too rare glimpse into the workings of the Disney studio of yesteryear.

The Reluctant Dragon Movie Review


3. Mary Poppins Returns

Yes, the songs in this movie are much weaker and some characters can be annoying, but Mary Poppins Returns is otherwise a worthy successor to the original classic which boasts a wonderfully old-fashioned 60s feel to it, a pretty good story overall and a scene-stealing, amazing performance from always great Emily Blunt.

Image result for mary poppins returns gif


2. Enchanted

It was a tough call, but ultimately Enchanted got the second place. And it’s close to the first one because it’s simply that great, and actually rather underrated. Amy Adams is revelatory as Princess Giselle, the animation is beautifully old-fashioned and the overall story is fantastic as it serves as both a parody and an homage to the Disney classics of the Golden Age. It’s a timeless movie which only gets better upon subsequent viewings.

Enchanted Movie Review


1. Mary Poppins

Yes, Mary Poppins gets the clichéd first spot because it’s simply a classic that hasn’t aged as well in some more boring parts, but it’s close to perfect otherwise thanks to a beautiful Julie Andrews performance, many classic characters, superb animation and the mixing of the mediums is awesome. It’s an epic, constantly magical cinematic experience that boasts one of the finest soundtracks in the history of Hollywood with at least four of its songs being timeless treasures.

Mary Poppins Movie Review

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