Mickey's Circus ReviewMickey’s Circus Review

Mickey’s Circus is a 1936 Mickey Mouse cartoon. It is such an entertaining entry.

This one follows Mickey and Donald in the circus trying to make the seals to do the tricks, but of course the hungry seals destroy everything in the process. First and foremost, I’ve seen seals in the zoo and I have to say that the movie got them perfectly! They are such extremely hungry animals that even dogs cannot compare to them. And it was great seeing that emphasized here to great comedic effect.

Mickey is underutilized and obviously he pales in comparison to Donald who’s a lot of fun here. He’s quite funny and the seals are amusing, but the movie is one-note and although successful in that one gag/situation, it needed more to fulfill its runtime, at least in my opinion. But the circus setting is well utilized and the animation is reliably strong.

Mickey’s Circus looks great and although one-note, Donald and the seals are an excellent source of comic relief.

My Rating – 3.8

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