Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Movie Review


Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Movie Review

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers is a 1995 slasher film starring Donald Pleasence and Pal Rudd. It’s one of the worst entries in the franchise without a doubt.


Maybe it’s just the whole world is like central casting.

They got it all rigged before you ever show up


Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Movie Review


I find this franchise very problematic after the third entry as all three of those movies struggled so much and are basically uninspired and pedestrian and even cheap in every way. This is the worst offence as the kills here are particularly weak and none of it is even remotely scary or memorable. The plot is also bad and the characters are also highly forgettable.

Donald Pleasence gets his final role in this franchise and he went on a weak note. I am actually rather happy that he left because his performances became worse and worse to the point of becoming a joke and his character simply gets the worst dialogue and the most over-the-top, cheesy lines. As for Paul Rudd, he’s okay, but not memorable at all. The only memorable thing about him is seeing how he didn’t age much at all from 1995 to today. He’s ageless. As for Marianne Hagan, she ain’t bad, but she’s typical for this franchise.

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers provides, just as its title would suggest, some answers about Michael Myers. And I really disliked every one of them. I do not understand why they had to explain and feed to us all of this when in reality creatures and villains such as himself are best when they are mysterious. The cult idea definitely led to some memorable, solid imagery, but it was otherwise mediocre and overly typical.


Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Movie Review


The movie is also very weakly directed by Joe Chappelle and particularly badly scripted. The same goes for the dialogue which just continues to be the worst aspect of the entire franchise. I do realize that this movie is fun in some scenes and definitely could turn out as a guilty pleasure to some, but even though I’m mostly not bored during any Halloween movie, I still cannot wait for a fresh new start for the series.

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers is one of the worst entries in the series owing to forgettable characters, a bad script and particularly terrible, over-the-top dialogue. The kills are also uninspired and the worst offender is their decision to explain Michael Myers which ruins it for me as villains such as himself are best left as a mystery.

My Rating – 2

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