Worst Films of 2020 List


Worst Films of 2020

2020 was the pandemic year, so obviously there weren’t a lot of big movies released this year. The year saw a lot of great indie as well as foreign movies being released, but on the other hand, many of the bigger movies including blockbusters landed very flat, so this list is going to be populated mostly by these movies. So here are the worst films of 2020.


5. Never Gonna Snow Again

I did see some interesting themes that could have been explored here, but this Polish Oscar contender failed to touch upon any of them. The mood and atmosphere are good here, but everything else was quite poor, especially the characterization and non-existent plot. It’s the type of annoying, pretentious movie that is more boring than anything else really.

Never Gonna Snow Again Movie Review


4. Tesla

This movie went off the rails pretty quickly. I get that maybe they didn’t want to cast a Slavic actor in the role, but Ethan Hawk was just the worst possible choice to play Nikola Tesla. It’s by far his worst performance ever. The film is very well shot and it started off strong, but then it became wilder and more ridiculous with each passing scene, climaxing with that horrendous musical sequence that honestly infuriated me.

Tesla Movie Review


3. The New Mutants

The New Mutants’ production was a mess as it had been delayed for so many times that many lost count. It was also obviously rushed due to Disney’s acquisition of Fox. The result? The worst X-Men movie probably of them all. Anya Taylor-Joy is reliably strong, but others are forgettable and the film failed to execute an intriguing superhero horror premise properly. It’s a chaotic, boring mess of a movie.

The New Mutants Movie Review


2. Borat Subsequent MovieFilm

I despised the second Borat movie. I loved the first one, but the second one destroyed everything that was good about the original by basically focusing on a biased political agenda where Cohen made fun just of conservatives alone. Not only that, but the inclusion of his daughter felt very misjudged. Bakalova is terrific in the role, but the film became overly dramatic instead of comedic with her storyline.

Borat Subsequent MovieFilm Movie Review


1. Tenet

And the worst movie of 2020 just has to be Christopher Nolan’s biggest turd – Tenet. I’ve had many qualms with this director before, but this is his nadir undoubtedly as he put all of the worst things that plague his movies in one terrible package – poor characterization, horrible sound and a pretentious, senseless plot that is frustrating to follow. None of it made sense and nothing here was remotely interesting to watch. The effects are excellent, that’s pretty much it. Everything else sucked and I hope to God that he will learn from his mistakes later on.

Tenet Movie Review


Honorable Mentions:

PossessorBrandon Cronenberg is no his father, not even close. Possessor was intriguing at first, but excessive gore and repetitive storytelling made it a chore to sit through.

EmmaAgain Anya Taylor-Joy got a movie that did not deserve her. Emma is yet another annoying Jane Austin story populated with irritating characters and soapy elements.

Scoob!Scoob! looked good, I will give it that. But the frenetic pacing and an overly modern approach made it too frustrating for classic animation fans, including me.

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