Top Ten Doctor Who Companions



Top Ten Doctor Who Companions

Doctor Who’s companions are very important sidekick characters who are sometimes as important as the Doctor himself. Although the formula here is obvious which is that he gets at least one companion every single time and usually it’s a girl, that formula works as the interactions between them are consistently terrific and most of the companions do help him a lot and are essential for this world and its history. So without further ado, here are ten best of the Doctor’s companions with four honorable mentions.


10. Jamie McCrimmon

Although I am personally not a fan of the Second Doctor, he did get one pretty solid companion in Jamie who is one of the rare males on this list. He is Scottish and from an earlier century, thus he doesn’t understand much so naturally we did get a lot of humorous quirks with him. The interactions between the two were frequently very good.

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9. Leela of the Sevateem

Leela is an interesting beast. Yes, she has too much of a revelatory clothing, but even though she could have easily been just a sex symbol, she turned out to be much more than that. Not only is her moral righteousness very well established, but she is just such a kickass, physically powerful female character which is rare for this show and thus she’s unique.

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8. Bill Potts

Now Bill Potts got just one season which is unfortunate, but she did make an impact nonetheless. At least to me she was memorable. Not only is she black and lesbian which is new for the show, but she’s not just a token diversity character, but more of a really fun, energetic and truly likable and relatable modern person.

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7. Donna Noble

Again Donna also got very little to do and she definitely should have been used much more, but I did end up liking her quite a lot despite her constant yelling. She is over-the-top for sure, but she’s also the most realistic, human and ultimately different Doctor Who companion.

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6. Sarah-Jane Smith

Now even though Sarah-Jane Smith is incredibly important for Doctor Who and she was used quite a lot, I never found her particularly memorable. She is very likable and overall good, but far from great and somewhat overrated. She did get a great, moving swansong though.

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5. Amy Pond

Amy Pond started off great. She was very modern, cool, spunky and had a lot of great chemistry with the Doctor. But as the Eleventh Doctor himself, she eventually lost her spunk and overstayed her welcome as her overplayed romance with Rory and their child was unfortunate in its sappiness.

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4. Clara Oswald

Clara so obviously can be a nuisance and a huge pain in the ass, but she is a much darker and thus bold character for the show and I loved that they went there with her both in terms of her fate and some of her dark choices. Her interactions with the best Doctor are simply wonderful as is her romance with Danny Pink. She’s also very cute and charming.

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3. Jo Grant

Jo Grant accompanied one of my favorite Doctors, the third one. She did that so well with such a wonderful relationship between the two. She is sweet, innocent and charming. You cannot help but love her. And the goodbye scene with her was just one of the most beautiful moments ever on this show.

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2. Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright

Now I am not putting these two together because they individually aren’t great, but because they truly are inseparable as their dynamic is infectious. These two accompanied the very first and underrated Doctor beautifully. Their smiles, their charming personalities and simply wonderful chemistry is, as I said, infectious. And I loved how they were presented as friends/potential romantic partners.

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1. Rose Tyler

The best Doctor Who companion is obviously Rose Tyler, obviously at least to me personally. She is the most important companion ever as she followed highly the unstable Ninth Doctor who really needed her and she did help him out a lot, but she also followed the next Doctor really well. She is not only highly relatable, human and is presented cleverly as us the audience, but also badass in the end, highly competent and brave. She’s a full package and everything every Doctor Who companion should strive to be.

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Honorable Mentions:

Rory WilliamsRory is interesting for being clumsy and a coward so I personally connected with him, but his constant dying and overwrought sappy storylines got on my nerves eventually.

Mickey SmithMickey Smith was underutilized, but a fun, very likable and also competent boyfriend for Rose.

Susan ForemanSusan started off really well as the Doctor’s granddaughter, but is more in her role important than truly great as she was portrayed too much like a stereotypical teen girl.

Martha JonesMartha Jones is somewhat bland, but definitely very endearing, beautiful in looks and she did get some wonderful episodes.

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