The Producers Movie Review


The Producers Movie Review

The Producers is a 1967 comedy film directed by Mel Brooks and starring Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder. It’s a pretty good movie that ranks as one of the director’s best efforts.


Don’t be stupid, be a smarty.

Come and join the Nazi party


The Producers Movie Review


I really liked the story here which is perfect material for a comedy. The two protagonists set out to make a flop at the box office, but they eventually succeed at making a fun Hitler comedy despite all efforts to fail. The film satirizes Hollywood and Broadway quite well and it has an undeniable energy in execution that makes it a winner.

Now, I did find its first act unappealing as the humor there was definitely weak and over-the-top with too much yelling and hysterics. That was the low point for the film which only became better and better as it went along.

The second act is so good with the play itself being the major comedic highlight. It was so well done and featuring many terrific lines of dialogue. But I also really liked the final act which tied things up so well and which has quite a lot of sweet, emotional moments.

The film is very much homophobic and sexist which is a problem, but I only found the sexist jokes really troublesome and done in bad taste whereas those gay producers were so funny that I didn’t mind it. But still, the film was better and funnier when it relied on Nazi humor and industry humor which was more timeless in quality.

Franz Liebkind is so funny and quite memorable. But the heart of the film relies in the relationship between Max and Leopold as they share a wonderful friendship that grows and becomes so endearing near the end. Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel both yelled way too much for my personal taste, but were otherwise pretty remarkable, goofy and energetic.


The Producers Movie Review


The Producers is very well paced as it flies by how quick, fun and fast paced it is. The direction from Mel Brooks is so good, leading to the best film I’ve seen so far from him. But I did find the cinematography, score and overall feel of the film too stagey and TV in quality as it felt cheap in approach and execution.

The Producers has a somewhat annoying first act, but it becomes better and better upon eventually becoming such a good, fun flick leading to the best Mel Brooks film I’ve seen so far. The film looks cheap, but is well directed, entertaining and fast paced, particularly exuberant in its approach and it features a memorable, fun main duo in Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder.

My Rating – 4

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