BoJack Horseman Season 3 Review


BoJack Horseman Season 3 Review

The third season of BoJack Horseman is another strong improvement upon its predecessor, and this is where the show really became great.


In this terrifying world,

all we have are the connections that we make


BoJack Horseman Season 3 Review


Start Spreading the News is a pretty good episode, but mostly a transitional one to connect the two seasons. It has a good plot, but rarely anything truly memorable. The BoJack Horseman Show is such a fun, revealing flashback episode to 2007 which gives us a lot of answers to his life back then while showing us wonderfully what was different and what was the same then.

BoJack Kills is by far one of the worst, if not the weakest, episodes of this season as it can be entertaining in its crime storyline, but most of all unconnected to the rest of the show and not as greatly executed as the intricate at first premise demanded.

There are no words to describe the genius of the episode Fish Out of Water. This is television animation at its finest, and an artistic masterpiece throughout. BoJack is promoting his movie for Oscars in the Pacific where he does not know how to speak (the final gag was hilarious and so dark) while ending on an adventure where he has to bring a sea horse back to his dad. The animation is breathtaking in colors and imagery, the emotion is definitely felt and the episode features brilliant world building, but also ends on such a beautifully human note with that amazing universal line about the importance of interpersonal relationships.


BoJack Horseman Season 3 Review


Love and/or Message is important for starting Todd’s relationship with Emily which is going to be important later on, and she is actually a rather sympathetic girl who needs more screen time. Brrap Brrap Pew Pew is an abortion episode which actually deals with this complicated subject matter rather cleverly while also portraying celebrities as they are – the worst and hungry for publicity. And the emphasis that males should not have a strong stance on abortion is revelatory and I agree with it completely.

Stop the Presses is at its best when BoJack and Emily share the fact that they slept together from Todd, but otherwise it’s not as memorable of an installment. Old Acquaintance is probably the most inconsequential, forgettable episode of this season. Best Thing That Ever Happened is one of the greater episodes of the show so far as it deals with the falling out of Princess Carolyn and BoJack in such an emotional manner while emphasizing just how important and messy their relationship really is.

It’s You is powerful in the last argument with Todd that emphasizes once again the protagonist’s awfulness, but it’s absolutely hilarious in its ridiculing of the Oscars and its various categories and how biased those slates can be. That board of nominees was one of the best visual gags in the show’s history.


BoJack Horseman Season 3 Review


That’s Too Much, Man! is such a heartbreaking episode which sees the passing of Sarah Lynn. That was such an unexpected, bold move for this show which makes it distinctly dark and also very emotional because in the episode alone we see their amusing interactions, and a wonderful budding relationship of sorts. That Went Well implies that BoJack might have a daughter and a new business for Carolyn, but it also confirms Todd’s asexuality in a wonderfully subdued manner.

In the end, this third season of BoJack Horseman is the best so far. It is the first truly great season of this show which is dark and unexpected, but also funny at times and consistently engaging and very sophisticated.


Worst Episodes: BoJack Kills and Old Acquaintance.

Best Episodes: Fish Out of Water, Best Thing That Ever Happened and That’s Too Much, Man!

My Rating – 4.2

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