American Horror Story: Asylum (2012)


American Horror Story: Asylum Review


American Horror Story: Asylum Review

Asylum is the second season of American Horror Story and it’s such a gigantic improvement upon its predecessor that it doesn’t seem like the same series anymore.


Oh Bill, one day so help me,

I’ll murder that man!


American Horror Story: Asylum Review


Yes, this show just became great throughout this season. The transition from a murder house to a mental institution was a great choice as this institution is filled with squalor, hopelessness and horrific treatment of its patients that it instantly became a highly memorable horror setting for the series.

Let’s talk about some of the standouts. Zachary Quinto as Dr. Oliver, the serial killer is a revelation. Here he showcased his true acting prowess and how underrated of an actor he is. His villain is very creepy, realistic and disturbing in some scenes, and I loved every minute of it.

Monsignor is also quite memorable, and that rape scene was also quite disturbing in its own psychological way. Sarah Poulson is absolutely terrific as Lana Winters. Her entire arc here is so magnificent and stupendously crafted. I loved her journey and how admirably strong she is while the performance itself is one of the highlights for sure. She’s so good.

I found Evan Peters’ Kit rather boring here. He’s simply too simple and too good to be more memorable, though the polygamy angle was interesting. Of course Lily Rabe as Sister Mary Eunice stole the show whenever she was on screen. Her villain is so damn entertaining, and I loved the supernatural elements of the season with the angel moments being quite elegant.

Jessica Lange is revelatory as Sister Jude. Her performance is magnificent through and through, and her story is both tragic and moving. She is a complex character who isn’t a villain nor a good person and I loved that about her. Of course Dr. Arthur is also very good and the other characters all serve their purpose, but these aforementioned ones are the standouts.


American Horror Story: Asylum Review


The show is again uneven and rather ambitious, even to a fault given that it has way too many subplots and characters to take care of, and not all are dealt with sufficiently. But most got their moments to shine for sure. Asylum is never really scary, but it is disturbing in some parts, and it succeeds the most in the psychology of its characters.

I really admired the ambition of American Horror Story: Asylum, even if it’s too complex in subplots and characters. But the overarching storyline is so strong and entertaining, the characters are so rich and beautifully acted and the psychological elements worked stupendously that it led to this season being a major improvement upon the original.


Worst Episodes: Tricks and Treats and I Am Anne Frank Part 2.

Best Episodes: The Origins of Monstrosity and Madness Ends.

My Rating – 4.2

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