Tot Watchers ReviewTot Watchers Review

 Tot Watchers is a 1958 animated short that is the last Tom and Jerry cartoon. It is a very flawed entry.

I wish I could say that Tot Watchers is a perfect swan song for the duo, but it unfortunately just isn’t. It is solid and not bad for sure, but it’s certainly far from great as it basically repeats the formula of ‘Busy Buddies‘. That means that it is uninspired and the action itself is quite lacking and some of it is rather repetitive.

However, it still has its moments. Jeannie is once again hilarious and the inclusion of the police certainly made it feel more fresh. I really liked that ending as it was very funny and this particular premise couldn’t have concluded in a better way. Tot Watchers benefits from those great moments, but they sadly come too far in-between.

Tot Watchers is a disappointing last entry as it has its moments, but is rather uninspired and repetitive.

 My Rating – 3.7

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