The Grocery Boy ReviewThe Grocery Boy Review

The Grocery Boy is a 1932 Mickey Mouse cartoon. It is a very charming entry.

Basically it follows Mickey and Minnie cooking together. At first the film was not too interesting and once again it relies on musical numbers and sound effects a bit too much. It is your regular Mickey Mouse entry from the early thirties meaning that it has no dialogue and it relies on music and gags.

However, it is better than most such cartoons because it is just so darn endearing and charming. Pluto is forgettable here, but Mickey and Minnie cooking together was just a wonderful sight to witness and also with a couple of amusing gags here and there. I really liked the animation and that both cooked together in harmony. They surely are a wonderful couple.

The Grocery Boy is typical, but so incredibly charming with a great emphasis on this wonderful mouse couple.

My Rating – 3.5

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