Hospitaliky ReviewHospitaliky Review

 Hospitaliky is a 1937 animated short from Popeye the Sailor series. It is a fantastic entry that is one of the best in the series thus far.

This entry is so unique and different than usual. Popeye and Bluto want to get into a hospital where Olive works so each of them try to get hurt. And it ends with Popeye winning by giving Bluto the spinach so he can beat him up. That was the first such scene in the series and it is unforgettable because of that. But the whole short is so funny and at times even hilarious with its inventive scenes.

Bluto’s part wasn’t as hilarious as Popeye’s, but he is still so good and Popeye in particular made me laugh many times. The car sequence is one of the highlights along with the train one. The whole short could have been even funnier, but it is mostly hilarious and so well edited and executed with almost every scene being phenomenal. It is definitely one of the best Popeye cartoons to this moment in time.

Hospitaliky is one of the best Popeye cartoons owing to some hilarious scenes, some inventive ones as well and such an interesting and so well realized plot.

 My Rating – 4.4

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