Legion Season 1 Review


Legion Season 1 Review

Legion is a 2017 superhero TV series which is the first ever live-action X-Men show. I did not care for it personally.


Maybe this place, this hospital,

maybe it’s a version of reality, and not reality itself.


Legion Season 1 Review


Yes, this is a very overrated show in my opinion. Now I get and respect what they were going for here which is a more serious and cerebral take on superhero stories, but they failed as the show is nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is and is actually rather pretentious and not to mention boring as it moves at a slow pace and is pretty uneventful and repetitive at times.

The show also features a somewhat weird tone as it tries to by psychedelic and imaginative while also being confusing but it just manages to be confusing and again pretty pretentious. I definitely did like some of the episodes here, but most were either dull or frankly pretty repetitive as the show rarely moved anywhere with its story.

Dan Stevens is great as David Haller and he is the standout actor for sure. Sydney is a somewhat boring and typical love interest who had potential, but went nowhere in the end. Aubrey Plaza was honestly annoying to me and I would have liked a different actor and a different approach with its villain who definitely is interesting, but again a lost potential. And the other characters were all uninteresting and unimportant.


Legion Season 1 Review


The action and especially special effects are weak here but this is supposed to be more like a drama so that hardly mattered. Legion started off pretty intriguingly and I did like its premise quite a bit as it led to much more emotion and not to mention relatability. Its small scale is also a good thing.

But again they did not fully realize on its premise. In fact, they did not even half realize it as the direction and especially plot progression was beyond problematic and thus I am not interested in seeing season two and I do not think I will. If they bring some of the X-Men and start connecting it with the movies, then I will. But otherwise, I am not interested.

So Legion is a wasted potential with some good characters and capable acting, but an annoying approach with its psychodelic imagery and it is slow and ultimately boring. I expected more from it and I was entirely let down.

Worst Episodes: Chapter 4 and Chapter 6.

Best Episodes: Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.

My Rating – 3.1


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