A Feud There Was ReviewA Feud There Was Review

A Feud There Was is a 1938 animated short film from the Merry Melodies series. It is a solid flick.

It is a typical tale of the feud between two rivaling hillbilly tribes. It is a famous American tale and the film doesn’t really add a lot to it. It does add breaking the fourth wall jokes by Egghead speaking to the audience but those jokes are overdone and lazy by now.

The film is solid in its use of gags and weaponry, but not all that funny. Still I really liked its characters and how they looked thanks to pretty solid design work. But the overall animation is very smooth and charming to look at. I liked the film, but the story demanded much more humor and memorable action in it.

A Feud There Was definitely looks good and is charming, but lazy in its gags and not particularly memorable.

My Rating – 3.5

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